Assistant Manager

New York/ Web - 0001
Decipher is always hiring! We need creative works. The more we fill up the store and advertise our work, the more we can generate enough money to keep the cause and active projects alive and thriving for starving artists of the world... and professionals! Gather up starving artists, starving professionals, or anybody who has the means to provide reasonable work for the entertainment to be distributed.
Decipher is looking for marketting. If you are a professional, please provide me with specific education, skills, and experiences we can use to promote our site! Decipher is looking to hire artists, writers, and even full casts and crews for film. Musicians are welcome too!
You get inspiration, resume buffers, and more for your portfolio. Decipher does not hire employees to do work for free, but you're work can only be rewarded by pay off from the product of what you can do. If you can earn money with your poetry, short stories, music, performance ability, and marketing, then you win!
Contracts with Decipher allocate your deserved pay off straight to your account!
Be creative, send me cover art, post products in store, and advertise.
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