1. Make plans for your vacation. Make sure you have the right contacts to make for the parties, and event ahead of time. Get information as to when you might need to be prepared for. If nothing's going on, make plans for other people to come over, or come with you. 

2. Book your vacation and/ or your vacation outings. When you go out, you're going to want to know where you're going to stay and what there is to do. Make sure you have at least three main attractions to visit, and make sure there's going to be water near by! Go to the pool, go to the lake, river, and definitely if possible go to the beach. 

3. Plan for relaxation. Don't forget to turn up the tunes, and get the right beach music ready for the time you're about to spend!

4. Don't forget the check list: you're going to need a beach ball, cool shades, your ipod/ phone, flip flops, and stylish cool shirts already picked out for the fun times. Make sure the shopping is done in advance! You gotta go out and catch those rays!

5. Don't forget the fun in making the occasion a picnic. It's always cool to have beverages and snacks on hand, and if there's going to be an event, be the one with the bag of chips. 

6. Be happy. In any case, as long as you know you and you have your favorite topics on mind for conversation, you have the means to make friends and influence people. Remember you're a smart kid, and that your ambitions are going to bring you farther than ever when you know just the right words to phrase how you want to make those dreams come true.

7. When all else fails, and there's just nothing to do (in the off chance that you haven't booked up all of your time for all the coolest parties and events, read a book, watch a movie, television, catch up with an old friend. There's always something to do to make the boredom die down, and sometimes the best vacations end with the thoughts of "and I even had time to read 3+ chapters of my book, or "I even got to watch a new favorite to add to my movies," or "I even got to catch up on my show!" 

8. Be prepared for the go back to school time. It's not too late to get back to the itinerary: remember that the outline is key.